Hello Elementary Students! The staff can’t wait to see you again. https://flipgrid.com/25c42e80

Join us for a video tour of the progress being made on EV Elementary: https://youtu.be/2S2LTN0cZRo

Please enjoy tonight’s story and the surprise video location 😊

Meal request form is available for next week. Please use this link and note shorter pick up times so we can all stay safe.

Let’s spread some hope in our community! A Facebook group starting a trend to let everyone know we are in this together😊 #aworldofhearts
Can’t wait to see your creations!

Happy Thursday! Enjoy the story

Enjoy tonight’s story. We’ll see you tomorrow night.

Check out Ms. Blake’s song she wrote. https://youtu.be/9eZZtIFlVZw

Here’s tonight’s story. Enjoy the beautiful weather tomorrow!!

Hope everyone had a great day. Enjoy tonight’s story!

Check out the latest 3-23-20 EV video update...

Enjoy your Friday night story.

Thanks for all the great comments you’ve shared with me. I love hearing from everyone and hope you fill someone’s bucket tomorrow.

During the school closure Easton Valley is committed to helping families. We are offering meal pick up in our communities. Please use this link
to sign up for meals. Anyone ages 1-18 may request a meal. Meals will be delivered on MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. You will receive enough meals each day for the following days. If you have any questions please let us know.

Hope all the “little monkeys” are doing well. Enjoy!! https://youtu.be/C8jRSuqFtGY

The EV Student Council will be hosting the blood drive until 6:00 today @ the Town Hall. Come on in...THANKS to all that have already been in to donate!

I hope you enjoy this book with your family.

In an effort to stay connected to our school family we will be regularly sending out video messages to the EV school community. Enjoy video message #1.

The Student Council Blood Drive has been moved to the Preston town hall this Wednesday, March 18th from 1-6 pm. Please come support the drive as there is a shortage of blood supplies available.

At the recommendation of the governor of Iowa, Easton Valley Schools will be closed for a minimum of four weeks. Effective March 17, only essential staff will be able to access the school. Staff PD will be held as scheduled for March 16. If you need any student belongings, etc please gather them from school tomorrow. We are working on plans to offer options for learning at home, meals for students, and more. We will communicate additional details as soon as possible. We urge you to practice social distancing as much as possible to protect the elderly and those with other health issues. Remember, we are a school family and we will get through this together. Take Care.