LEAP schedule for September 27- October 1
Monday: Craft Night
Tuesday: ISU Extension: STEM Lit
Wednesday(Early Out): Field trip to Preston Public Library and Twogood Park
Thursday: ISU Extension: STEM Art
Friday: Movie Night: Luca
Thursday night will be PINK OUT night as the River Hawks host the Prince of Peace Irish in a conference volleyball match. There will be cheesy potatoes, oreo fluff and bake sale items! All proceeds will be donated to the Iowa City Children's Hospital to help fight cancer.
So proud of these young ladies for their outstanding leadership! They recognized a problem, drafted a proposal to address the situation and created a leadership role to keep our school grounds looking clean! Keep up the awesome leadership girls.
Tonight’s honorary captains are Beth McNeil and Denise Larson. Homecoming would not be possible without these two wonderful people! Thank you ladies.
Homecoming plan for tomorrow afternoon: Pep rally in the HS gym 1:30, parade 2:15. Parade route goes School Street from the HS to Main Street, Gillet Street, Mitchell Street and back to the HS. Don’t miss the fun!
EV Elementary will have a short Mission March parade in the front parking lot of our school on October 1 at 2:30 to share our classroom mission statements. The community is invited to attend.
Picture Day is coming up on 10/06/2021!
JH/HS: Order online at inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/62535QF
Elementary: Order online at inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/62530TB
You can pay online with your debit card, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.
Football Fans can use this link to watch Easton Valley vs Springville 9/17/21
Who would you like to see kiss a pig on Friday during the assembly? The pig with the most money wins! The pigs are in the high school office and will be at the volleyball games in Miles on Tuesday and Thursday!
Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming court.
Easton Valley Juniors are currently selling Little Caesar pizza kits. Proceeds will help fund Prom. Sales end Oct. 1st. Please contact an EV Junior to purchase!!
Employment Opportunities:
JH Girls Basketball Coach,
HS Head Softball Coach,
HS Assistant Softball Coach
Shout out to the 6th graders for selecting the Elementary Homecoming Dress Up Days and creating the posters! We hope everyone joins us in dressing up next week.
September 15, 2021 School Board Agenda
The winter session of Driver’s Ed will be held at Northeast High School and begins Saturday, January 8th. If you are interested in this session, please pick up a registration form in the HS office. Registration forms and money should be mailed to Triple R Driving School.
Easton Valley Elementary is looking for students age 16-18 or adults who are interested in helping with our 21st Century LEAP program before and after school. AM hours are from 6:55-7:50 (must be 18 years or older to work this time) and PM hours are from 3:30-5:30 and 1:30-5:30 on early out days (anyone 16 years and older can work this time). During this time, you would be assisting Andrea Reuter (LEAP Coordinator) with activities and field trips. Pay for both times is $12/hour. If you are interested in helping, please email patty.schmidt@eastonvalleycsd.com or andrea.reuter@eastonvalleycsd.com or call the elementary office and we can help you.
A larger team this year means more appreciation for our staff at EV! Thanks to all members of the Easton Valley staff for everything you do for our students. #Great2bEV
Tonight’s honorary captain for the football game is Mr. Fee! Thank you for everything you do for EV.
Congratulations to Renee Hartung for selected as the September senior student of the month.
Information regarding Easton Valley's before and after school program.
Easton Valley's LEAP: Leadership Education through Afterschool Programs Session 1: September 6 - October 29