Our Class Mission! 💪✔ Proud to be EV! ⚫🔶️
Miss Cram's 3rd grade class practiced their spelling words using ghost writing!
6th Grade learning about finances through Money Metropolis!
Putting together our class mission statement for the Riverhawk Rally that we had today!!
Unofficial School Board Election Results....
Checking out cells in physiology
Physics velocity and acceleration lab.
We are learning about Daily 5 centers. We are practicing all of them daily.
Mr Fee is enjoying his second year in a row wearing a Hawkeye tie to work. Always his most productive day of the year. Go Hawks!
Genesis is offering FREE seasonal flu vaccines for grades K-6.
Monday, 9/25/17
Information and consents have been sent home with the students.
Great job Jaide Petersen and Marte Frafjord with their face painting during Sundae Fun Day event in the park.
Geometry students working on newspaper gift bags...2-dimensional to 3-dimensional visualization & creating!
Some teamwork, problem solving, & competition in the math room!!
Finally figuring out our new app! Sorry for the late post! The weather was perfect through out the week to get out and enjoy some sunshine during ELA :)
2nd grade beginning STEAM today! Creating straw mazes and collaborating with each other!
So awesome to see such inspiring bulletin boards!!
Exploring a new center choice! EPIC is an AMAZING tool with a ton of selection to get students reading!
Exploring a new center for ELA! EPIC is such an amazing resource for school or home with so many choices for the students! #readersareleaders 🤓📚💻
3rd grade students rocking it in art!