
Easton Valley Community School District

 Board of Education - Regular Meeting

July 20, 2020 @ 6:00 pm

Easton Valley Elementary Commons- Miles, Iowa

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Consent Agenda

    1. Agenda

    2. Minutes - Exhibit 1

    3. Bills - Exhibit 2

    4. Financial Report - Exhibit 3

    5. Special Education Contracts

    6. Open Enrollments

  4. Personnel

  5. Public Forum

  6. Discussion and Possible Approval of School-based Therapist Partnership

  7. Presentation and Possible Approval of Gym Projection System Purchase

  8. Approve Student Fee’s for 2020 - 2021 School Year

  9. Facility Project Updates and Discussion of Future Needs

  10. Approve Easton Valley Daycare Handbook

  11. Discussion and Approval of Updates to Student Handbook

  12. Approve Purchase of Preschool/Kindergarten Playground Equipment

  13. Approve Bimbo Bakeries as our Bread Product Distributor for 2020-2021

  14. Approve Prairie Farms as Our Milk Distributor for 2020-2021

  15. Approve Updated Meal Prices for the 2020 - 2021 School Year

  16. Approve Plan for the Grand Opening of the New and Improved EV Elementary

  17. Approve 2020-2021 Wellness Policy

  18. Administrative Reports

    1. Patty Schmidt

    2. Tony Johnson

    3. Chris Fee

  19. Set Next Board Meeting Date

  20. Adjournment