Easton Valley Community,
At dismissal time this afternoon law enforcement notified us that they would be responding to a matter near our elementary school and recommended that we dismiss school and then go into a lockdown. We followed their recommendation and implemented our protocols as planned.
Elementary school leaders worked closely with police throughout the matter. The entire situation was monitored by district staff through our school video surveillance system. Three separate messages were sent out to families to inform them about the lockdown and reassure them of the safety of our students as the situation unfolded. Our elementary staff could not have responded better to this situation.
Thank you to all our elementary staff for coordinating the efforts that ensured everyone's safety. We never want to experience situations like this, but very reassuring to know that our staff are able to remain relatively calm and put measures in place to protect students and staff.
School staff and local law enforcement will be debriefing on this matter to discuss what went well and how we can further improve our response to emergency situations in the future. Thank you for everyone's cooperation this afternoon!
Chris Fee